*Optionally you can get lifetime access to all of our current and future eCourses via the Peaceful Parent Suite.
  • Mindfulness is about slowing down and becoming more present to your inner experience of thoughts, feelings and sensations.
  • How can we maintain a more calm patient state with our kids?

  • What are some of the secrets of reducing stress and balancing emotional needs in the family?

  • Do you sometimes wonder WHY such intense emotions get triggered by your child?

  • Would you benefit from some simple techniques to help you keep your cool when your child is acting out?

  • Peaceful Self-Parenting – developing the self-care and self-healing practices to fill your emotional cup

Mindful Parenting eCourse

Learn more about our Mindful Parenting eCourse

You’ll find this and all courses and resource kits in your Resource Library. This mindful parenting eCourse contains text, videos and audios that will give you clarity and practical tools that will help you improve your stress and emotional regulation while juggling the busyness of family life. Managing our stress and being able to compassionately hold our turbulent emotions in a way that returns us back to a calm, settled, and happy state truly is the secret to a happier and healthier life.  When we can better manage our stress and emotions, we have more energy and more capacity to be productive and focus on improving our situation inch by inch.  ❤️️ We can only help our children better manage their stress and emotions to the extent that we ourselves have the awareness, insights and the skills to do so.  🌷
Module 1 Mindful Parenting eCourse
This Course will help you to explore these questions: How can I maintain a more calm patient state with my child? How can I reduce stress and balance emotional needs in the family? Why do such intense emotions get triggered when my child is uncooperative or upset? What are some simple techniques to help me keep my cool when my child is acting out? Peaceful Self-Parenting – how can I develop the self-care and self-healing practices to fill my emotional cup
Unit 1 Unit 1: The benefits of being mindful of our emotions  
Unit 2 Unit 2: Stress Reduction and Mindful Parenting Seminar  
Unit 3 Unit 3: Related Articles – Mindfulness  
Unit 4 Unit 4 – Simple Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Kids  
  1. […] parents, we understandably want to feel more calm, confident, patient and loving. But equally, for a multitude of reasons, we understandably become frustrated, impatient and […]

  2. […] great member resources include: The Mindful Parenting eCourse, the Meeting Aggression With Connection Resource Kit, our Peaceful Parenting Step by Step eCourse […]

  3. […] You’ll need a plan for what you can both do more or less of to help prevent these incidents/patterns from reoccurring. You’ll also likely need a plan for how these situations can be responded to, in the moment, in a more constructive way. […]

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