Genevieve is a qualified Psychosynthesis Counsellor.  Counselling can help you to make more sense of your life experiences and responses while increasing awareness of your inner world and it’s influence over relationships, both past and present, and better understanding patterns of relating and behaving in your life.  Safe, empathetic listening and reflections can help support a client’s process of looking deep within to make more sense of their thoughts, feelings and patterns relating to challenging life situations and to ultimately come to greater peace with oneself.

Developing healthier strategies to meet your needs.  The Counselling that Genevieve provides looks at the whole human being; body, mind, emotions, and spirit and the many complex factors that have contributed to making each person unique.  Counselling supports the client’s process of discovery and helps a client to understand and make more sense of what is happening in their life.  With the compassionate support of the counsellor, individuals can better identify, honour and develop healthy strategies and skills for meeting their emotional needs.

Counselling can help people to listen to their own deeper wisdom. Counselling empowers the client to better personal understanding, to make clearer choices and to achieve a more lasting independence as well as a healthier ability to balance needs and communicate more effectively in relationships with others. It is a process that, through active listening and other processes which facilitate exploration of feelings and beliefs, facilitates a journey of self-discovery, revealing insights and self-awareness by which people may empower themselves. Genevieve supports clients to connect in with their body sensations, supporting them to gain more awareness relating to where in their body their hold certain emotions and how defense mechanisms are held within the sensations of the body.

When clients increase their awareness of feelings in their body that become activated by stressful situations or by that which evokes conscious or unconscious memories of past traumas, they have more power to observe and to change their self-talk.  These skills can effectively help individuals to re-parent the unresolved feelings of the child that they were. Unmet emotional needs from childhood can be met by self and through healthy relationship dynamics in adulthood, potentially bringing resolution to compulsions, phobias, anxiety, addictions and the many and varied effects of trauma.

Access the benefits of mindfulness in all aspects of your life: Genevieve also guides clients, who seek it, to develop skills in relaxation, self-regulation, mindfulness and meditation.  These are skills which when practiced regularly, can greatly reduce stress, anxiety and symptoms, and impacts of trauma.  Many clients find that it helps them get through the difficult days when they can access such skills at stressful moments, or practice daily to prevent excess build up of frustrations or anxiety.

The fundamental values of counselling include commitments to:

  • Respect human rights and dignity
  • Ensure the integrity of practitioner and client relationships
  • Alleviate distress and suffering
  • Support client to foster a positive sense of self and strengthened self-esteem
  • Support client to feel empowered, confident and effective in their world
  • Enhance the quality of relationships between people
  • Appreciate the depth and diversity of human experience and culture
The counselling that Genevieve provides helps the client holistically.  There is a sense of sacred space created by honouring the client’s individual journey to integrate their physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of self.  The service that Genevieve offers aims to support clients to feel empathically heard and witnessed as they share their individual stories and challenges. Clients are also supported to become aware of where they hold their feelings in their body and to gain tools to self-regulate emotions and work effectively with emotional triggers when evoked in challenging life situations.  Genevieve taught meditation for many years and has attended or trained in many holistic healing modalities and can draw on a huge range of skills, knowledge and experience, yet is mindful to only bring into the relationship that which may be of very specific relevance and value to a client based on their individual needs and intended outcomes for the work.

Healing the core wounds. The client is given the space, permission, and guidance to travel deeper into the core feelings related to the issues that the client is currently facing. When appropriate, the client is guided through meditation to re-visit points in the past and then guided and supported to bring healing and possibly closure to the associated wounds, hence releasing the locked pain from the body.

People are wounded and are whole. Genevieve is committed to maintaining a sense of each client’s wholeness, honouring and respecting each client’s vulnerability and wounds and at the same time holding that the person is more than their wounds.  Humans have amazing potential to overcome even the biggest traumas when they can access the help and support that they need. Genevieve believes that all people have a limitless ability to heal themselves. The counsellor honors that every individual needs to feel safe, liked, cared for, deeply heard, and supported before they can safely open and resolve their deeper wounds.

Listening heals. The healing power of a person sharing their story is immense. When a client’s challenges and related feelings are shared in a space that is truly empathetic, spacious, honoring and sacred, true transformation can take place.

Counselling fees NZ$120 per hour or US$85  CAD$100, GBP 60, or AU$120 p.h.  Payment can be made through internet banking in New Zealand or PayPal if overseas.

Cancellation Policy:  Please give a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment, otherwise a NZ$25 fee will apply. 

Email or ring to make an appointment.

How counselling helps a parent to be the parent they want to be. Genevieve has a deep understanding of how challenging, as well as how rewarding, the process of changing our parenting patterns can be. The reality is that for a parent to parent from the heart in a kind hearted manner without using punishment, a parent needs to have access to the correct information and some support in putting it into action. For most parents, being calm, patient and clear enough to parent in this way is easier said than done. It is a state that is reached through a journey of learning and increased self awareness.

Change happens slowly, one step at a time: Parents can be very hard on themselves if they revert back to their old methods of yelling and using punishments and threats despite having read a positive parenting book or attending a course. They can either give up on themselves or on their new methods. Parents need to understand that they can’t change decades of conditioning overnight. Even though parents often revert back to old unhealthy habits, with new information and support parents can observe their behaviour in a new way, have a better understanding of exactly why the old behaviour is unhealthy and have an awareness of what the healthier alternative behaviour could have been and hence might be next time. Giving our kids the patience and kindness that they need and deserve becomes much easier when we are putting equal focus on learning to become kinder and more patient with ourselves!

It is extremely liberating to realize why you and your child act in the ways that you do and to realize that you can choose to create more positive, empathetic and loving relationships for all concerned.

“In my private practice, it warms my heart to witness the huge benefits that families experience when parents learn a parenting approach of actively listening to and validating the child’s emotions.”



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