I cannot thank you enough!

You have no idea how much this is helping to heal my family. I have two little boys with horribly bad tempers and I’ve just felt like this is above my level of parenting skills, felt this way for a few years now. I’ve tried to find help in various ways but nothing has shown to be effective. But this, wow, this is helping me to heal my children, thank you so very much!!!


I was under the understanding that reward systems and time out were the only way!!

It is very refreshing to learn a better approach and to understand the long term effects. I’ve loved learning all the peaceful parenting techniques!


I now have real concrete tools and strategies grounded in science

I feel that I now have some real concrete tools and strategies and they are grounded in science which makes them much easier for others to buy into. Not only do they feel right to me, they are effective. I think the principles, concepts and strategies are presented in a way that makes them easy to remember and to implement into daily life. I learned very practical and specific ways to peaceful parent in almost any given situation.

Ann Gettis

I was so full of anger/frustration before and now I’m not.

Oh gosh my toolbox is so much richer and I can now deal with things rather than avoiding them from my own overwhelm, not just in my family but in many other parts of my life. It has been so rich and unexpected I can’t really express it in words. I was so full of anger/frustration before and now I’m not.

Rachel Chapman

Both myself and my husband have really deepened our connection with our children.

Through using (and understanding) the tools and techniques outlined in the training I feel as though both myself and my husband have really deepened our connection with our children. Our house feels closer and calmer. We are in the fairly unique situation of choosing to work from home and home educate, so enjoying spending all of that time with each other is key!

Victoria Maus … Certified Instructor and Parent educator

I’m constantly amazed at how quickly he calms down

I was doubtful that these techniques could bring positive results with my five year old son, but I’m constantly amazed at how quickly he calms down and actually starts to listen to me when he can see that I’m really listening to him and I can see how much more confident he becomes when he sees that I’m really there to help him and support him.


I am feeling much more in control and feeling loads better about myself as a mum

I’m just starting on the week 3 info. However I just wanted to give an update on how things are going…. I am feeling much more in control and feeling loads better about myself as a mum. I am finding the I statements have helped out so much my girls are listening more. I’m pausing more before speaking, to think about how to get a win win result.

I can see the girls really uplifted when they come up with solutions and are not fighting as much since they are feeling more heard. I have noticed if I haven’t had a chance to read some of the PP information for a few days I start to loose my way and empathy is not so readily at hand, but if I find myself feeling angry and yelling I get myself back to balance a lot quicker and am clearer in my communication to my family about needing a few moments to myself, and also get myself back into the course material as soon as I can. I hope as time goes on it becomes more and more ingrained.

Yay!! and Thank you all!  –  Veronica

I have to say that your ecourse has been helping in so many ways

it’s hard to describe them all here. Your videos were great, especially for a person like me that doesn’t have much time to read. I used to walk my dog and listen to your talks on my ear phones! So many extremely important tools that help keep us parents connected to the philosophy and more importantly to ourselves.


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