Genevieve is no longer taking on new parent coaching clients.  


However, she has spent many years developing and running our Peaceful Parenting Instructor Training program.  

All of our Certified Instructors have been personally trained by Genevieve and many of them have space to take on new clients. 


Is Parent Coaching for you?

Do you find yourself asking these questions? …
  • If I don’t use threats or punishments, how can I help them learn what’s okay or not okay?
  • Why is my baby/ child behaving like this?
  • What should I do when my child is being resistant/defiant/aggressive/hyperactive?
  • How can I help my child’s self-confidence and ability to assert themselves?
  • How can I learn to be a more patient and peaceful parent myself?
  • How can I help my children learn to respect each other’s boundaries?
  • Am I meeting my baby/ child’s needs for secure attachment?

Why invest in parent coaching? 

Parenting can be the toughest and most rewarding job in the world, but it can be easier and more rewarding than most parents realise.  But it really does take a village and most parents simply don’t have enough support.  You deserve educated non-judgmental empathic support, you deserve connection, you deserve to have a place where you can feel heard and where some of your needs are met !  

Most families are more willing to invest in their house, land, plants, furniture, clothes, car, physical health, but struggle to invest in emotional health.  Yet emotional health and wellbeing is essential to happiness and harmony.

“Amazing!! I was hanging on every word …. I found the concepts that Genevieve was explaining to be both amazing and so obvious and simple at the same time. I think every parent needs the opportunity to learn peaceful parenting techniques. The effects in my family have been incredible. I’m loving this new way of listening to my children and how it consistently brings out the best in them.” – Sandra, Auckland, NZ

Parents gain huge benefits from one on one consultations and advice in relation to their parenting challenges. These consultations offer a balance of information and the support that the parent needs to work out how they can better meet their own needs, their child’s needs and achieve more balance in meeting the needs of the whole family.  Genevieve also guides clients, who seek it, to develop skills in relaxation, self-regulation, mindfulness, and meditation that they can access at stressful moments in their day-to-day life.

“Genevieve has a wonderful, gentle, clear way of communicating breakthrough parenting skills & techniques, which really work! I feel empowered and excited. So well worth it!”  A.H., Whangarei

Coaching provides the best opportunity to get down to the nitty-gritty of finding answers to the tricky and confusing questions that arise in relation to children’s behaviour.  It is a great opportunity to heal some of the deeper issues running between the adult and their child that present difficulties in the relationship that can cause behaviour issues.

Payment is arranged through internet banking, cheque, or PayPal.

Let me know what your possible days/ times are and we’ll work out a time that works, feel free to include your phone number if you’d like me to ring to set up a time.


Phone/ Skype consultations for groups 

If you’d love to share some of the peaceful parenting concepts and strategies with a group of friends, or perhaps a parent’s group that you belong to, you could talk to me about arranging a date and time for me to give a specific talk or a general question and answer session for your group. We can either set up a zoom call.  

Coaching provides the best opportunity to get down to the nitty gritty of finding answers to the tricky and confusing questions that arise in relation to children’s behaviour.

It is a great opportunity to heal some of the deeper issues running between the adult and their child that presents difficulties in the relationship that can cause behaviour issues.

Payment is arranged through internet banking, cheque or PayPal.


Not sure if coaching will work for you?

Why not talk to Genevieve for free to get a sense for whether you can feel confident that she can help you.

FREE 15 minute consultation with Genevieve Email

You might not think that a lot can be achieved in 15 mins, and to a degree you are right but what you will know by the end of it is whether coaching with me is going to work for you, whether you feel like you can trust me, whether my style suits you and meets you the way you want to be met.

Email Coaching.

If you just have a particular question that you want an answer to, Email coaching is perfect for you …

Send me an email with your particular question seeking advice in relation to the problems you are experiencing between yourself and your child.

The fee is the same hourly price as in person/phone or zoom parent coaching.  I will give as much response as I can fit in in an hour of my time and we can then work out if ongoing back and forth emails are needed for a period of time and come to an arrangement about that.

How this process works.

Step 1: Send your email with up to three questions.
Step 2: We will send you a link through which you can pay with your Credit Card through PayPal.
Step 3: You receive a response to your question within three days.

I have to admit that I was doubtful that these techniques could bring positive results with my five year old son, but I’m constantly amazed at how quickly he calms down and actually starts to listen to me when he can see that I’m really listening to him and I can see how much more confident he becomes when he sees that I’m really there to help him and support him. I’ve seen him as such a little fighter, but now I can see that he’s just been trying to show me that he needs to see and feel my support and belief in him.” Annie, Whangarei, NZ


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