Develop a rewarding career as a Peaceful Parenting expert empowering parents to create harmonious family dynamics.

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Would you benefit from gaining the emotional, educational and practical support you need in developing a successful business as a parenting instructor and educator?

Do you dream of earning a living doing that which brings more harmony to the world?

Do you wish you could help more people with the wisdom you've gained on your parenting and life journey?

Do you dream of earning a living doing that which brings more harmony to the world?

Overwhelm and Stress

Parenting in today’s fast-paced world can be overwhelming, leaving individuals feeling stressed and burnt out. Balancing work, family, and personal commitments while trying to meet the demands of modern parenting can take a toll on mental and emotional well-being.

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Our training program empowers participants with the knowledge and skills to confidently navigate the complexities of parenting. By gaining a deeper understanding of child development, behaviour management techniques, and self-care strategies, participants can reduce stress and approach parenting with a sense of confidence and ease.

Strained family relationships

Many families struggle with strained relationships, communication breakdowns, and recurring conflicts. These challenges can erode trust, lead to misunderstandings, and create distance between family members.

Building Stronger Family Bonds

Our program emphasises the importance of building strong, connected relationships within the family. Participants learn how to foster open communication, resolve conflicts peacefully, and cultivate an environment of trust and mutual respect. By implementing these techniques, families can strengthen their bonds and create a more harmonious home environment.


Expand and refine your abilities.

Delve deeper into communication dynamics and broaden your knowledge base. Gain new perspectives on old dynamics and learn effective tools to address underlying needs that drive visible behaviours. 


Global opportunities await

Enjoy the flexibility to work from anywhere with clients worldwide. The travel restrictions and lockdowns that most of the world endured over the last few years have really highlighted the value of remote work. Developing a parent coaching practice over zoom ensures that your business is portable and robust.

Be your own boss.

Upon certification, you’ll take control of your parent coaching career. Our training equips you with essential knowledge and skills, from working with your first client to marketing yourself effectively online.

Discover your purpose

Many of our trainees have gained clarity about their purpose in life during the training. Much of the material instigates deep introspection that we don’t often make space for in our busy lives! They also find fulfilment in guiding parents through challenges, fostering stronger bonds with their children. This immersive experience not only builds valuable skills but also nurtures personal growth and purpose.

Launch with confidence!

  • As a Certified Peaceful Parenting Instructor, you’ll enjoy full support and credibility from the Peaceful Parent Institute, assuring clients of your ability to positively impact their lives.
  • Certified Instructors have exclusive access to supervision sessions with Genevieve, ensuring ongoing learning and confidence in growing your coaching business.
  • Benefit from a supportive community of fellow trainees and Instructors to discuss challenges and share insights in dedicated forums and groups.

Accelerated learning through practice:

By taking on clients during your training (often family, friends or acquaintances), you’ll fast-track your learning journey. The firsthand experience of offering advice enhances your understanding and motivation resulting in more in depth learning in a shorter period of time. This often accelerates the process and you might find you’ve become a Certified Peaceful Parent Instructor sooner than you’d expected.

100% satisfaction guarantee

If, for any reason, you find that the program does not meet your expectations, you can request a full refund within 30 days of your purchase. We’re here to assist you every step of the way. Whether you need guidance utilising the resources effectively or require a refund, we’re committed to ensuring your satisfaction. Simply reach out to us, and we’ll promptly address your concerns.

“The training changed my life! I’m extremely grateful to Genevieve for that. I’ve learned to understand myself better and my childhood wounds. After that, it was a lot easier to remain calm, centered and to be supportive to my children. I can now better understand every situation and apply the peaceful parenting tools.”

Raluca Martis – Peaceful Parenting Instructor

“The training has been hugely beneficial in starting to be able to support the parents of the children that I work with.  The ability to work with them to help their child was the missing link for me.  As I don’t yet have my own children, the course has given me so many invaluable insights into the challenges of parenting and how it can be approached from a place that nurtures positive psychological and relational development.”

Jennifer Honeyben – Peaceful Parenting Instructor

“This training was such a wonderfully practical compliment to the trainings that I’ve completed in the past. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have the information laid out in an accessible, clear, and concise manner. These tools are invaluable to me AND my clients! Take this training! You will never regret having more loving, peaceful tools to help you connect with your kids.”

Kate Brennan – Peaceful Parenting Instructor

“It is very rich, very enlightening and also full of simple ways to build relationship with child that Is nourishing for both, parent and child. I love many different ways material is presented – the videos, articles, handouts, and also trainee calls twice a month (so connecting and meeting needs for shared reality, community and togetherness)”

Magdalena Kosinska-Klaehn – PhD, Peaceful Parenting Instructor

invaluable and I have learned so much through having personal interaction with Genevieve and the other trainees. The training has helped me to know that I am on the right track in regards to the way that I parent and has strengthened my commitment to parenting peacefully and with respect.  I have learned so many new strategies and tools, particularly the I statements, family meetings, requests rather than demands, and my new favourite mantra “this is tricky not tragic!!”

Tawnie Keleher – Peaceful Parenting Instructor

“When I was debating about taking the training, I thought I already knew a lot about Peaceful Parenting but I ended up learning so much more. Yes, the training clarified and strengthened my perspective and approach. I feel that I now have some real concrete tools and strategies and they are grounded in science which makes them much easier for others to buy into. Not only do they feel right to me, they are effective. I think the principles, concepts and strategies are presented in a way that makes them easy to remember and to implement into daily life. I learned very practical and specific ways to peaceful parent in most any given situation.”

Ann Gettis – Peaceful Parenting Instructor

“This training has been truly life-changing for me and my family! It has really allowed me to take the time to look within and allow myself the space to feel the hurt from my past in order to move forward. I have taken my husband along on the journey with me in that regard and it has not only helped our parenting but also our ability to approach all relationships in a more intentional way. Beyond that, I have received terrific feedback on my parent coaching and it has made an impact on families already!  PP training not only sets you up to have a successful coaching business but it also allows insight into your own heart and perspective. The connection and direct access to Genevieve and other trainees is comforting and sets the foundation for healthy communication with future clients.”

Seema Khan – Peaceful Parenting Instructor

“When I started this training, I valued the idea of peaceful parenting, but did not have a solid direction on how to help others become more peaceful in their parenting. Throughout this training, I have been able to understand and utilize the tools and techniques with a variety of clients to bring peace to their homes. I have clarified by career goals and gained tools in my own parenting journey. I have come to recognize that there are basic needs that must be met before a parent can embrace peaceful parenting. I now feel confident and competent in helping families bring peace to their homes.”

Sarah Fuller – Peaceful Parenting Instructor and counsellor

Who are we and how did this all begin?

Our purpose has and always will be empowering parents and professionals with compassionate and effective parenting techniques that alleviate stress, dissipate power struggles, prevent trauma and promote connection.

The Peaceful Parent Institute (PPI) was founded in 2004 by counsellor, writer, parent educator and child development specialist Genevieve Simperingham. And it was born out of her realisation that almost all emotional and relational difficulties and traumas lead back to childhood. She then shifted her focus from general counselling to parenting where she could help to prevent a lot of said challenges that develop later in life.

Over the last twenty five years Genevieve has presented hundreds of workshops and courses from evening seminars to five day residential retreats in parenting, relationships, self-healing, meditation and personal development.

Fast forward to 2017, Genevieve and the team began developing the Instructor Training program to equip likeminded individuals with the ability to help more families and spread Peaceful Parenting far and wide.

The Instructor Training has now been running for five years and has completely surpassed our expectations. Watching people grow into themselves and broaden their knowledge base and abilities has been humbling to say the least. We feel incredibly grateful to be able to support these amazing people, witnessing their growth is truly heart-warming.

Our Training curriculum specifically addresses the diverse needs of families, emphasising empathy, healthy boundaries, and connection as the foundation for healthy parent-child relationships.

Whether you’re a seasoned educator, a mental health professional, or a parent looking to deepen your understanding of peaceful parenting principles, The Peaceful Parent Institute offers a transformative learning experience that will enrich your personal and professional journey.

We’d love you to join us in working toward a world where every child feels loved, heard, and valued.

Commonly Asked Questions

Does it matter where in the world I live?

No not at all, you can join from anywhere in the world. You just need a computer and access to the internet. Most of the videos and audios can be downloaded when you have access to high-speed wifi. You can post your questions at any time, and they’ll be answered as others are online and you can monitor notifications. We change around the times that we offer webinars to facilitate different time zones, and also people can send a question in ahead of time and then watch the replay after the event.

Do I need to be a parent or a teacher?

The training is open to everyone. However, you won't be able to practice what's being taught if you don't have regular contact with children. This won't hold you back from becoming certified if you can show your ability to effectively help parents through your case study at the end of the year.

How long will it take to complete the training?

We offer that participants can become certified in a shorter or longer time than the year because we recognize that participants will come from a diverse range of personal and professional experiences and that each person will have different needs to meet to get to the stage where they feel competent and confident to offer their services in their community as a peaceful parenting instructor and/or educator.

The same is true for those who do the training for the purpose of integrating the tools into their current therapeutic or teaching practice who may not have the wish or need to market themselves as a peaceful parenting instructor or educator. Allowing for this, participants can gain their certification once they've met the requirements whether this takes 5 months or 2 years.

Especially for those who have already completed the Peaceful Parenting Step by Step eCourse at some point in recent years or who have already had some one on one appointments with me over recent years, they may be able to meet the requirements in a much shorter length of time. Also for those who have already been practicing some of the core principles of non-punitive connection based parenting and/or teaching, and especially those who have already tackled a lot of their own inner self-healing work, again they may be able to move through the material with more ease and speed than others. And for many reasons, other participants will need to take a lot more time before achieving the point of competence and confidence to offer their services as a peaceful parenting instructor and educator.

What if I don't have enough time?

We recommend setting aside 2 hours per week to work on course content. However, this course is extremely flexible because we understand how busy life can be. No one will be checking that you've done 2 hours this is merely a guideline to keep you on track.

The course material is designed to make your life easier. Trainees generally find that the more they work through the material the more they're able to cope with daily life.

Will I build my own client base and will PPI support me to promote my business as a PP Instructor?

Yes each peaceful parenting instructor will build their own client base.  There will be a page on the website with the details of each instructor and their contact and other relevant information.  Instructors can have their own page on the website if they send us their bio and relevant information and links.  They are then welcome to use this link in emails or facebook page posts or other digital information.  The link will look like this;

Can I avail of PPI's content like handouts, slideshow files and the PPI eCourses and resource kits?

Yes, the finer details of how all that works will be explained as you get close to completing requirements.  When you become a qualified instructor, you'll be given a package of resources that you can use including summary sheets relating to the different tools, pre-made power point presentation files relating to some of the most common seminars / workshops that Genevieve currently offers.  You can look on the seminars page to see what those topics are;
You can also take individuals or groups through one or more of the eCourses that you yourself will be learning from during the training.

What does it mean to be a certified Peaceful Parenting Instructor trained by the Peaceful Parent Institute (PPI)?

It means that you can promote yourself as a Peaceful Parenting Instructor and Educator who has been trained and certified by Genevieve Simperingham and the Peaceful Parent Institute.  It means that you will have the ongoing support during the training and beyond of PPI as you develop your business.  It's very important that the strong and consistently positive reputation of PPI be maintained as PPI certified instructors share what they've learned through the training and ongoing learning and support.  When someone puts themselves out there in their community as an Instructor and educator certified by PPI they benefit from the weight of this reputation, brand and following that has developed over 25 years of Genevieve and her husband Dan plus in the last decade the PPI team offering consistently good quality information and support to families in need around the globe.

What if unforeseen circumstances arise?

We completely understand that life throws curveballs! If if your situation changes and you're unable to continue it's a case of getting in contact with us to figure out a way forward. Often it's a case of simply putting the training on hold until you're able to continue.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a full refund for our program within 30 days of registering. If you find that our Instructor Training isn't the right fit for you within this timeframe, simply reach out to our support team, and we'll process your refund promptly. We truly believe in what we offer and want all participants to feel confident in their decision to join us.

We do conduct a verification process to ensure fair usage of our refund policy. As part of this process, we check whether a member has already accessed and downloaded a significant portion of the course material. This is done to prevent plagiarism and fraudulent activity. However, rest assured that if you genuinely find our program unsuitable within the 30-day window, we'll honour your refund request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, feel free to reach out to our support team for clarification.

I've already purchased the Peaceful Parent Suite, how can I join?

If you've already purchased the PP Suite, the first step is to visit My Account and choose the option to downgrade to free subscriber. Then go back to the PP Instructor information page and sign up with the option of 12 monthly payments or the upfront one payment for the year.  If you live in New Zealand, read the answer to the question "I live in New Zealand, can I pay in NZ$ and is GST included?"

I live in New Zealand, can I pay in NZD and is GST included?

The NZD fee is:

Option 1: Once off payment: $4,900 (incl. GST)
Option 2: $520 per month x 12 (incl. GST)
Option 3: $380 per month x 18 months (incl. GST)

Further detail and payment instructions are available on the registration page.

Are there any assignments or case studies required?

Rather than participants completing assignments every six weeks or so, the courses have reflection questions throughout the units.  We believe this is a more effective approach as the participant gets to think and type out how they would put the theory into practice when the learning relating to that particular unit is very fresh on their mind.

Before gaining certification, you will need to submit to Genevieve at least one case study following the format, questions and guidelines given.  This will greatly help you think through the work you do in supporting at least one parent during one or a series of parent coaching appointments.  I do encourage participants to share their case studies for other participants to benefit from.  Some of the conversations in the zoom meetings relate to participants talking through the work they're doing with parents they're supporting. The real life assignments come when working with a parent and that’s when you’re learning will really escalate when you have the pressure of really helping that parent in the best way that you can.  Many of the participants reflect that they find the suggested questions for case studies to give them a good structure as they work to help that parent.  


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