Are you craving more peace, harmony and happiness in your family?

Do you dream of parenting or teaching with more patience and confidence?

Do you try to avoid yelling and threatening, but need specific effective approaches to deal with defiance, lack of cooperation or sibling conflicts!!??

With so much conflicting information from so many "experts", do you need to find guides you can trust who truly get it and truly have the experience, knowledge and compassion to help you with your wide range of questions?

Do you want your child to feel secure, to listen to their inner voice and resist peer pressure, but struggle to be at peace yourself?

Do you lose your confidence when relatives, teachers or friends judge you or your child?

Our Full Suite of Peaceful Parenting eCourses

Learn the peaceful parenting strategies that can bring more harmony and happiness to your family!

Our eCourses include videos, audios, text, printable summary sheets, reflection questions and more to help you gain the clarity and confidence needed to transform the dynamics in the family!

There’s a world of difference between reading endless books and articles and actually learning to put the theory into practice in a step by step format as you work through the course modules and units. You’ll be likely facing many daily challenges in the family, which will provide you with the opportunity to practice what you’re learning.

These courses are designed to reduce your overwhelm and make the journey of learning and growth much more manageable and enjoyable!

Our courses offer resouces for all learning styles; videos, audios, reflection questions, lots of examples given with the different approaches taught and of course the printables and worksheets that guide you to think through what’s really going on with certain challenges, and get a clear plan on what’s needed to reduce the stress, increase the skills and gradually create lasting positive changes.


Our Peaceful Parenting Suite offers you a variety of eCourses to choose from

Whether your biggest challenges relate to your child being reactive, aggressive, anxious, defiant, sibling conflicts, non-responsive or excessively clingy, these courses will equip you with the concrete step by step strategies that truly transform the dynamics in the family!

Lifetime access to the Peaceful Parenting Suite of courses additionally gives you access to our Resource Library with additional videos, audios, Q&As and parent child scripts.


Genevieve’s courses support parents in their journey of healing and mindfulness. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed even at the thought of working through the eCourses, maybe start with the Overcoming Overwhelm or the Mindful Parenting courses.  Both are designed to equip you with more awareness and tools to better manage your emotional triggers and stress levels. 

Our courses will help you to feel less overwhelmed and more empowered. With increased clarity and confidence, you can look forward to increased harmony and happiness in the family.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Risk free 30 Day money back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don’t enjoy the Peaceful Parenting Suite of eCourses and resources, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and we’ll either help you out until you get your questions related to making the most of the resources answered, or give you a swift refund.

What's included in our
Peaceful Parenting Suite of Courses?


Extensive resource library

Access to our main forum, peaceful partnering forum & more

All resources in our learning centre are designed to step you through the concepts and strategies of Peaceful Parenting and gain support as you aim to put the theory into practice in your family or classroom.

The Peaceful Parenting Step by Step eCourse worth $300

This was the first course we developed, and has helped families around the globe dramatically change the atmosphere and dyamics in the family for the better!  This course guides you through a toolkit of Peaceful Parenting strategies in a step by step process, allowing you to inch by inch tackle all your parenting challenges. This in depth, 36 lesson course meets all learning styles by including videos, downloadable audios, reflection questions, printable summary sheets and handouts and unit by unit guides you to learn and apply these approaches to the day to day challenges you’re dealing with.   Learn in the ways that work for you.

Discipline without Punishment eCourse (worth $99) 

This course is like having Genevieve in your living room guiding you through the principles of why and how replacing punishments with Peaceful Parenting strategies will lead to greater harmony and cooperation in your family or classroom.  In 8 lessons, you’ll enjoy videos, each with insightful reflection worksheets and a printable overview.

The 10 Day Peaceful Parent Challenge (worth $40).   

This offers a 10 minute per day for 10 days challenge, with the intention of bringing more peace, harmony and clarity into your days and helping to build positive habits in self-care and mindfulness.

Overcoming Overwhelm eCourse (worth $50) – 

An enjoyable and manageable 4 module (10 units) transformative eCourse that supports you to reflect on patterns of anger and overwhelm, equipping you with many tools to reset your nervous system.

Mindful Parenting eCourse (worth $50) 

An incredibly practical and doable eCourse to help you improve your management of stress and emotional regulation while juggling the busyness of family life.

Kids Conflicts and Sibling Rivalry eCourse (worth $50)

This eCourse teaches truly respectful and constructive approaches that helps the parent or teacher become a skillful, empathic and confident mediator who can support children through conflicts in a way that fosters in them highly valuable conflict resolution skills that will serve them for life.

Diffusing Aggression through Connection eCourse (worth $150)

This popular eCourse will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of what ACTUALLY lies beneath the aggression and how to help them find healthy outlets and change unhealthy habits. This course will help you to help your child develop that impulse control you wish they had.

No time to sit and watch videos? Download the audio versions to your phone and listen on the go,


Everything included in our Peaceful Parent Suite

Discipline without Punishment eCourse - $99

This series of videos guides you though the reasons why punishment doesn’t work and just how you can guide your children without punishments.  This is Genevieve’s introductory seminar and is great for those beginning Peaceful Parenting or simply needing inspiration.


Overcoming Overwhelm eCourse - $50

(previously Mama Meltdown)

This short eCourse will help you understand why, as parents, we feel such anger and overwhelm at times. It offers some simple practices that help to reduce the stress and overwhelm both in general and in those highly charged moments.

Peaceful Parenting Step by Step eCourse - $300

Love this philosophy but wonder HOW to put it into practice? This eCourse will take you through the strategies that make up the way of the Peaceful Parent philosophy.  Learn the steps we go through to centre ourselves, connect with our children and communicate in respectful ways that help our children grow and learn.

Diffusing Aggression with Connection eCourse – $150

This course includes text, videos and audio resources where Genevieve shares how we can peacefully approach and resolve the very stressful challenges relating to children being verbally or physically aggressive.  What lies beneath the aggression, how can we help them gain healthy outlets and change unhealthy habits, how can we help our child develop that impulse control?  What are they feeling and needing at these times, and how can we keep everyone safe?  These approaches will give you the confidence to understand and meet your child’s needs, hence end cycles of aggression.

10 Day Peaceful Parent Challenge – $40

This mini 10 day eCourse offers a 10 minute per day for 10 days challenge, with the intention of bringing more peace, harmony and clarity into your days and helping to build positive habits in self-care and mindfulness.


This Mindful Parenting eCourse – $50

This course contains text, videos and audios that will give you clarity and practical tools to help you improve your management of stress and emotional regulation while juggling the busyness of family life. Managing our stress and being able to compassionately hold our turbulent emotions in a way that returns us back to a calm settled and happy state truly is the secret to a happier and healthier life.  ❤️  We can only help our children better manage their stress and emotions to the extent that we ourselves have the awareness, insights and the skills to do so.  🌷


Kids Conflicts and Sibling Rivalry eCourse – $50

This eCourse teaches truly respectful and constructive approaches that helps the parent or teacher become a skillful, empathic and confident mediator who can support children through conflicts in a way that fosters in them highly valuable conflict resolution skills that will serve them for life.

Peaceful Parent Scripts Bundle – $40

This course walks you through both Problem Solving and Loving Limits, what they each look like, how they’re different, and guidelines for these approaches to be most helpful and constructive.  The course walks you through a series of example scenarios and how to apply the problem-solving and the loving limits approaches in each example. Understanding when, why and how to use these strategies with our children is an absolute game-changer in any family.


PP Q&A Bundle – $20

In this bundle of Q&A text posts, Genevieve answers these common questions: How do I help my child get in their car seat? How do I stop my toddler climbing on the table? How do I get my child to clean their room? My 6 y.o. is having huge tantrums & being aggression! My son bursts into tears over everything. 3 y.o. struggling with toilet training. When your child hurts you in anger, what to do? Toddler refuses to get dressed. And more!


Resource library videos and audios Bundle – $45

Gain access to all the extra videos and audios available in our Resource Library (see drop down menu under profile in main menu). Including: How the stress response and trauma effect behaviour, How laughter releases fears, sibling rivalry – why punishments make it worse, toddler yelling I WANT IT NOW!, Why we explode and how to prevent it and many more!


Always more videos, audios & eCourses in the pipeline!

We have an overflowing list of videos, courses & resources we're continually developing! The list of courses and resource library additional resources continues to grow & evolve.

More goodness being added all the time!

We are currently working on two eCourses that we’re excited about, ‘Separation Anxiety’ and ‘Peacefully Parenting Teens & Tweens’. You’ll have lifetime access to these and all other future eCourses.

Something important missing that you need?  Just email us and put in a request.  We love creating more educational material.

Take yourself on a journey of education and growth with the guided process of these courses, all from the comfort of your own home! Your learning is both an important investment in your family’s emotional wellbeing while also supporting the Peaceful Parent Institute to reach further and wider!

Gen profile 2021 under 10MB

This Peaceful Parenting Suite of eCourses and resources was developed to help people access the education they need to maintain more harmony in their family or classroom.

These courses have been developed over several years of working with hundreds of families with a huge range of challenges.

Some of you might feel like you know me already if you’ve been following peaceful parenting for years and others may be very new to my work and this whole philosophy.
I have worked with individuals, couples and groups over the last twenty five years, educating and facilitating personal growth, healing and positive change.  I am a qualified Psychosynthesis Counselor, a Heart to Heart Parenting Facilitator, an international speaker, writer, educator and the founder of The Peaceful Parent Institute.  I grew up in Ireland and have lived in New Zealand since 2000.  My husband Dan and I founded the Peaceful Parent Institute with the vision of extending the work to more families and teachers and training our Peaceful Parenting Instructors.  We have instructors and trainees in over 40 different countries. Over the last twenty years I’ve presented hundreds of workshops and courses from evening seminars to five day residential retreats in parenting, relationships, self-healing, meditation and personal development. Dan and I have also guided teenagers through nature based leadership camps and are both involved in an annual Nature Education Conference here in NZ. Facilitating positive change has been a privilege and a passion throughout my adult life.
I have huge hopes and visions for connection and attachment based parenting to become the norm in our society. Through my work with parents and teachers face to face and through selling these courses and with the help of the rest of our very awesome team, I hope to continue to educate more parents and teachers and hence continue to play a part in improving the lives of children globally.
Read more about myself & the Peaceful Parent Institute here


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