For a limited time only, when you buy lifetime access to our comprehensive and highly renowned Peaceful Parenting Step by Step eCourse, you’ll also gain lifetime access to our 10 Day Peaceful Parent Challenge worth $40 and Diffusing Aggression through Connection eCourse worth $150.  Giving you an additional $190 worth of content for free! Use coupon code: 3for1

Love the peaceful parenting philosophy or the idea of peaceful parenting but wonder HOW to put it into practice? Do you understand it on a theoretically level but when the rubber meets the road and things get heated you can’t find the peaceful parenting solution in the moment? After completing this course you will know what to do but more importantly, how to do it.

Designed to transform your parenting from chaos to increased clarity and cooperation, this eCourse will take you on a step by step guided process through the core parenting strategies that have transformed countless families before you and when and how to apply them.

Learn the essential steps of our Centre, Connect, Communicate model; centre ourselves, connect with our children and communicate in respectful ways that help our children grow and learn.

  • An in depth course covering 7 modules, each broken into 4/5 units taking about 30 minutes each.
  • Material includes videos, downloadable audio, reflection questions & practical tasks. Learn in the ways that work for you.
  • On screen reflection questions where you can type and record your answers for future reference (for your eyes only).
  • Printable summary sheets with simple steps you can refer to at a glance
  • This eCourse was designed to help parents master peaceful parenting.  An often unexpected benefit of mastering peaceful parenting is that it’s unlikely to only improve your relationship with your kid(s).  A lot of the parents who do this course find that many of the communication skills they learn, also significantly improve their relationship with other adults
  • Accelerate your peaceful parenting learning to create happiness and harmony in your family or with the children and families you support.
  • Learn a range of specific Peaceful Parenting strategies and a step by step process to tackle any parenting challenge.
  • Cutting edge eCourse software that helps you track and record your progress.

By the end of the course you will be able to more often:

  • Use several strategies to centre in the moment
  • Think about your child’s out of balance behaviour in terms of needs, information and feelings
  • Use the Centre, Connect, Communicate model to think through and respond to interactions with your child
  • Utilise concrete tools to help you centre yourself, connect with your child and communicate more effectively

Diffusing Aggression through Connection eCourse

This course contains:

  • 5 Units
  • 3 Videos
  • Audio versions of videos plus additional audio on managing sibling aggression
  • Reflection questions to help you deepen your learning

Children being aggressive can be the biggest and most stressful challenge parents face.

But there IS a way of responding more effectively AND humanely. It’s not easy to manage our responses as a parent/ teacher/ caregiver, but gaining the clarity and confidence about what will work, makes it so much easier for the adult to stay calm and help the child better manage their frustrations.  Gaining a clear vision of how these difficult situations could turnaround much quicker is the first step towards developing the necessary skills (for adult and child alike).  When you successfully manage difficult situations when your child becomes overwhelmed, this starts to develop an upward spiral of greater confidence and safety for parent and child alike.

Witnessing one’s child lashing out physically or verbally (or both) evokes strong thoughts and feelings.

Parents can feel like a failure, struggle with unpleasant thoughts and feelings about their child, feel shame, embarrassment, powerlessness, resentment, fear, rage, grief, overwhelm and more! 

Most parents struggle to find examples from their life where aggression was dealt with effectively and humanely.  

In this course, you’ll both gain the key approaches which diffuse and ultimately greatly reduce overwhelm, as well as videos where Genevieve shares examples of putting the theory into practice.

10 Day Peaceful Parenting Challenge eCourse

This mini eCourse offers a 10 minute challenge each day for 10 days, with the intention of bringing more peace, harmony and clarity into your days and helping to build positive habits of self-care and mindfulness.

Small moments can all add up to making big changes.  Parenting can feel so overwhelming.  Our aim is to support you to bring more little bits of peace, presence, mindfulness and hence happiness into each day over the next ten days.

Genevieve is a Psychosynthesis Counsellor, a Parenting Instructor and coach, public speaker, human rights advocate, writer and the founder of The Peaceful Parent Institute.

She is a contributor of feature articles for the The Natural Parent Magazine (published in New Zealand, but available worldwide) and Kindred magazine. Over the last twenty five years Genevieve has presented hundreds of workshops and courses from evening seminars to five day residential retreats in parenting, relationships, self-healing, meditation and personal development.

Genevieve has experience in helping thousands of parents, teachers and professionals over the last twenty five years.   She also draws on her in-depth and ongoing study of many leading experts in the fields of early childhood development, personal development, attachment and neuroscience.

What customers have said

I cannot thank you enough. You have no idea how much this is helping to heal my family. I have two little boys with horribly bad tempers and I’ve just felt like this is above my level of parenting skills, felt this way for a few years now. I’ve tried to find help in various ways but nothing has shown to be effective. But this, wow, this is helping me to heal my children, thank you so very much!!!


I was under the understanding that reward systems and time out were the only way!! It is very refreshing to learn a better approach and to understand the long term effects. I’ve loved learning all the peaceful parenting techniques!


I was doubtful that these techniques could bring positive results with my five year old son, but I’m constantly amazed at how quickly he calms down and actually starts to listen to me when he can see that I’m really listening to him and I can see how much more confident he becomes when he sees that I’m really there to help him and support him.


I have to say that your ecourse has been helping in so many ways it’s hard to describe them all here.
Your videos were great, especially for a person like me that doesn’t have much time to read. I used to walk my dog and listen to your talks on my ear phones!
So many extremely important tools that help keep us parents connected to the philosophy and more importantly to ourselves.


Normally $490, but reduced down to $300 for lifetime access for ALL THREE courses with the coupon code 3For1


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