Stress Relief for Parents Download

When you’re at your wits end and need to rest and recuperate, this set of audios is a fantastic resource ~ Grab yourself fifteen minutes or so, choose your track and let Genevieve’s calming voice and supportive words guide you back to your self … back to your centre … back to balance … back to you at your best … back to peaceful parenting.

Track 1

Free to Basic Village members

Restore Connection with your child.

This track guides you to internally resolve an issue you’re having with your child.   

Tricky issues often touch on some old unresolved hurts in us and when we become more aware of that triggering, it can open the heart again and really restore harmony, resolve worries and re-energize your relationships with your child to a more positive dynamic.

Track 2

Free to Basic Village members

Emotional First Aid!

This track can help you move out of the stress response, and back to feeling centred and solid.

Genevieve guides you through a process to help you return back to feeling more settled, secure, safe and calm.  This is especially helpful if you’ve had thoughts such as; “I’ve reached my limit”, “I’ve had enough!”, “I’m overwhelmed”.  To further de-stress, listen to Genevieve’s body relaxation “Bliss”.

Track 3

Available to Premium members

Mind Food

Genevieve explains some of the more subtle dynamics at play in our relationships with our child.

Gain insights and clarity into the wonderful world of parent child dynamics.  Core beliefs and emotions held in our body memory get activated all the time, which provides opportunities for deeper healing.  Becoming more mindful of these connections, helps to free us up to connect more deeply with our self and our child.

Track 4

Available to Premium members


A complete unwind – the meditation equivalent of a long hot bath and your kids will love it too.

Similar to a yoga nidra, Genevieve guides you to bring awareness to and allow a release of tensions in every area of your body.  Genevieve’s soft Irish lilt backed by the Celtic harp offers a soothing balm to their feelings and played at night next to their bed will ease their transition into a deep and restful sleep

  1. […] their tone of voice has become tense if they managed to get up a bit earlier that morning and did 15 minutes of meditation. Or maybe sat in the garden listening to the birds with bare feet on the grass or did even a couple […]

  2. […] of the solution. Using my Centre, Connect, Communicate model, first focus on getting centred and releasing a bit of your stress. Then truly connect with your boy as that will totally change how the communication […]

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