How we can guide or children without punishment?
These videos include, why kids misbehave & how we can help them, an overview of the Peaceful Parenting Toolkit and an example of supporting conflicts between children.
A fantastic introduction to Peaceful Parenting concepts.

Discipline without Punishment 5 Free Videos
Short mini-series covering and introduction to guiding children without the use of punishment.
Module 1 Discipline without Punishment {mini-series}
Discipline without Punishment {mini-series}
Unit 1 Welcome  
Unit 2 Peaceful Parenting Toolkit {part I}  
Unit 3 Reasons for Off-Track Behavior  
Unit 4 Children's Conflicts and Sharing  
Unit 5 Loving Limits  
Unit 6 How do I get my Child to Listen?  
Unit 7 Special Offer  

1 Comment
  1. […] with. But, knowing what isn’t okay is only the start. Often there is a pendulum swing away from punishments which results in a passive, permissive approach. Teachers avoid engaging with certain tricky issues […]

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