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Quality time peaceful parent

The 5 videos look at

  • how we can guide our children without punishment,
  • what can we do instead and
  • the benefits of parenting without punishment!

These videos plus the additional videos in our Discipline Without Punishment Full Video eCourse offer a fantastic introduction to Peaceful parenting concepts and tools.  This is just ONE of the eCourses available to Premium Village Members.

Peaceful Parenting Toolkit Part I  

This video is a great introduction to what TO DO for those who want to move away from yelling and punishments! 

In this excerpt Genevieve’s manages to touch on a whole array of peaceful parenting tools and shares small examples with many of them.

She talks about being prepared and preparing our child before situations you expect to be challenging, the importance of modelling and managing our stress, she explains the importance of learning to steady ourselves so we can avoid flipping out when our child gets upset, the importance of using “I” statements, the benefits of using active listening and more.

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Part II (available in the full video series) begins with explaining how to peacefully hold limits, and goes on to name more of the strategies necessary to maintain more harmony in the family!

Reasons for Offtrack Behaviour 

3 boys fighting all the time! 
 One example shared in this video (of Genevieve speaking at a seminar) is a story of mother whose three sons were arguing and squabbling constantly.

Watch the video to learn what works better, and stay tuned until the end of the story about the mother and sons watching a movie to find out what this mother discovered to be the most surprising benefit – making all her hard work of managing her own stress, mediating, listening with empathy, facilitating problem solving – all so worth it!!

Tuning in to the child’s reasons for offtrack behaviour helps us shift from “how do I make them stop!” to “how can I help them, what can they learn from this situations?”

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Children’s Conflicts 

This video offers an understanding of how peaceful parenting approaches teach children communication skills and conflict resolution skills which they’ll get better at practicing and will begin to themselves use in tricky challenges with other people all through their life!

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Loving Limits.  

In this video Genevieve explains that when we express a limit (something the child can’t have or do) and they subsequently get upset, that it’s when we can slow down and show them that we truly are tunining in to their feelings, that we get that this is very hard for them, then this is the element that helps the child to move through their upset feelings.  

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How DO I get my child to listen? 

Why won’t he listen?!  Why doesn’t she do what I ask??  Why do I get so annoyed so quickly??  Is it normal to feel this stressed as a parent?  If using punishments negatively impacts my bonding with my child, their willingness to cooperate and their self-esteem, how can I make them listen, what WILL work?

In this video, Genevieve (speaking at a seminar) offers a perspective shift that really does tend to result in both you AND your child ….

(a) feeling less stressed and more confident
(b) thinking more creatively
(c) feeling more connected, caring and compassionate
(d) being back on the same team!

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Advantages of Premium Village Membership

Available to all Peaceful Parent Premium Village Members:

  • Download videos and/or audio versions to your phone or PC
  • More resources for Sibling Struggles in Resource Library
  • The Meeting Aggression with Connection Resource Kit is a collection of Videos, audios and articles tackling helping the child with aggressive tendencies
  • The Peaceful Parenting Step by Step eCourse will take you through understanding and practicing all the tools that bring more harmony to the family in a 7 module step by step process.
  • Resources and support from experienced mentors, Genevieve and other parents in the Village green forum, the peaceful partnering group, the eCourse forum (for learning related to courses), the Natural Health and Nutrition Group and the Self-Healing group (see groups)
  • The 10 Day Peaceful Parent Challenge is a process which takes you through an accessible 10 minute a day process of developing habits in self-care and mindful connection and presence with your child and with yourself.

For those who wish to become a Premium Village Member, these 5 introduction to Discipline without Punishment videos will be again available and will lead nicely onto the additional videos, extra information, printables and reflection questions to answer on screen in the Discipline without Punishment eCourse PLUS our other eCourses including the 6 week PP Step by Step eCourse, plus forums where you can access specific individualized support from Genevieve and the team and other parents in response to your questions.  Plus regular zoom calls with Geneiveve and so much more.

Some of the extra videos available to Premium members in the Discipline Without Punishment Full Video Series are:

  1.  Beyond Punishment and Reward
  2.  Parenting Styles
  3.  Obedience vs Cooperation 
  4. Loving Limits – Part II of Peaceful Parenting Toolkit
  5. Offtrack Behaviour – Part II
  6. Audio version downloads 

Plus all the items you can see here in the Resource Library.


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