Click the image to download the PDF of the Sibling Struggles and Kid’s Conflicts Slideshow from Genevieve’s Tuesday night talk in Palmy

Discipline without Punishment Video eCourse and our Kids Conflicts Resource Kit and our Meeting Aggression with Connection for sale in in shop or available to all Premium Village Members.

Mama Meltdown eCourse

This short eCourse will help you understand why, as parents, we feel such anger and overwhelm at times. It offers some simple practices that help to reduce the stress and overwhelm both in general and in those highly charged moments.
It includes notes, audios & reflection questions to help you put the ideas into practice straight away. All audios are downloadable so you can access them from any device.

Time Commitment

2 ½ hours over 4 units.

Modules include:

  • Why we Explode and how to prevent it
  • Understanding Overwhelm and Anger
  • Emotional First Aid – learning emotional self-regulation skills
  • Learning to centre in the moment – to avoid overwhelm
  • Getting back on track – from rupture back to reconnection
  • Preventing ruptures
  • Repairing the connection to avoid a build up of resentments
  • Summary and wrapping up – getting traction with new healthy habits

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