• Victoria Maus started the topic Endometriosis and mid-cycle low mood in the forum Group logo of Natural Health and NutritionNatural Health and Nutrition 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all, I have endometriosis and I’ve always found a connection between my pain/energy levels and what I eat. I’m vegan and generally I eat well (I say generally because lockdown has had me eating more “bad” stuff than usual).

    Over the past 15 months or so, I’ve noticed my mood getting incredibly low around the middle of my cycle for about two or three days. Any suggestions for foods or supplements that could be particularly beneficial for helping with this? I tried speaking to my GP but she offered me the pill, which isn’t a solution at all!

    • Hi Victoria. I’m taking magnesium, lemon balm, Ashwaganda, vitamin B complex and vitamin C for perimenopause. Wondering if these would be useful to you midcycle also?
