What has drawn you to this group?

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    • #2645

      And what are you hoping to get out of this group? Are you and your partner on the same page with peaceful parenting and if not, does that create a lot of tension? Or are you generally working to keep improving the communication in your relationship and hoping that this is a supportive place to share some of that journey with others who have some similar values?

    • #10092
      Tycee Belcastro

      I am not partnered currently, but as a therapist I work with couples and I always interested in more ways to help them. Often, they have different parenting values which creates tension for them. A place I often see this in significant ways is in blended families. I find many couples romance the idea of blending families and the realities of a blended family can be quite challenging for a couple.

    • #10935
      Victoria Maus

      I feel incredibly lucky when it comes to my relationship with my husband. We have shared values and life goals and so always feel as if we’re on the same page. Before we had our daughters we had plenty of conversations about how we wanted to raise children and I’m so pleased that peaceful parenting was the natural choice for us both.

      I’ve joined this group just to share ideas and thoughts with others really. I’m always happy to keep on working on my marriage, I don’t want to assume that things will always be rosy without putting in some effort.

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