If you worry about the impacts of WiFi on your family's health

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    • #8935

      I go through phases of reading about the impacts of microwave technology on our health and it’s definitely something I’m quite conscious of. I’m a highly sensitive person and believe I have what’s termed electro sensitivity. I’m not certain whether that means that I feel the effects more than most people, which I definitely seem to, or if it also means that the impact is worse on highly sensitive people.

      I’m lucky to live close to town yet when we turn the wifi off at night, which we do every night without fail, we don’t have other people’s WiFi’s in our space. Last weekend we were away and staying in an apartment in Paihia and I both struggled to sleep because of the WiFi radiation, I could literally feel it in my brain and in the morning I really looked my age with bags under my eyes, something I normally only see if I’ve eaten an allergen that my body doesn’t like.

      I believe we need to get enough time in nature and especially with our feet on the earth to let any of that radiation that gets stuck in our system to drain away. I’m not a scientist and can’t prove this method, but I’m just sharing that for me it definitely makes a huge difference and brings me back to clarity of body, mind and emotions. Meditation just has to be helping also and it seems to me to make sense that the more we’re eating spray free/ organic whole foods and getting lots of the veggies in that’s bringing nature into our system with all the amazing healing and cleansing benefits. We also use EarthCalm products in our home and I can feel that this helps. I haven’t made an orgonite pyramid but I’ve bought a couple in the past for people as presents and it also feels like that helps. I also have a little silver pyramid designed by Wayne McCarthy here in New Zealand and my son who lives away from home most of the time (he’s in Uni) has one by his bed wherever he’s sleeping. Let me know if you’d like me to get a link to that.

      I’ve just signed up to this online summit on the subject and I thought to share it with you lovely people in case there are others in here who share this concern. I can’t vouch for the solutions that they’ll be offering and I hope that at least some of them are simple and inexpensive, but I trust Trevor who sent the email on to me so I’m hoping it’s going to be good quality information and thought that it’s also good to just open the subject. https://emfhealthsummit.com/go-2-h2-a/?hop=trevortke&pid=default

    • #11752

      I really worry about wifi too. I can feel it in the air. There’s a noticeable peace in my body, like an exhale, when I turn it off, which I do when my husband is out allotmenteering at the weekends. Unfortunately, because of lockdown and my husband working from home 24/7, and wanting to avoid any lag or problems with the IP address changing when we turn it back on in the morning, he won’t let me turn it off at night anymore so we are constantly exposed to it.

      I am working on getting him to agree to using a wired connection for his work laptop so that we can turn it off at night with no reconnection problems because the wired part will maintain the same, constant IP address. I don’t actually think he will ever agree to or prioritise finding a solution, but I have found (and we previously used in our old house, so I can vouch for it) a plug-in device to turn an electrical circuit into a simultaneous broadband circuit – the TP-Link PowerLine Adapter Kit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ozUiXnbUl4. I think it’s possible to use more than one pair of plug-ins to be able to have internet connection ports on more than one electrical circuit in the same household. Of course, the next issue is to find a router provider offering a router that has both plug-in and wifi capability, and on which the wifi component can be turned off. Wifi seems to be becoming ubiquitous and most people selling routers seem baffled as to why I would want to turn it off at all!

    • #11756
      Cleo Webster

      Yes….I have been so concerned about this recently with all the 5G chatter. It made me realise how much my phone is preset with me. All day. I don’t have a wired connection so rely on my phone or tethering it to my laptop. Not great. I have started putting it on flight mode all day with just a few message checks. I feel a lot better.
      I bought a shungite pendant https://karelianheritage.com/
      Who knows….but no harm either way!
      We’re about to move to an off grid home for 6 months…..and the owner just made it a super tower for receiving and sending 4G 😱 . Finding out if it can be switched off before we confirm we’re going!!!!

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