Yoga reduces anxiety and depression

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      This is an inspiring clip on the benefits of yoga and the developing science behind yoga. Studies have shown that many people experience a reduction in their symptoms of anxiety and depression when they practice as little as 12 minutes yoga a day. I really believe in taking bite size chunks when making change, if you’re daunted, intimidated and feel on the verge of overwhelm even thinking about all the positive things you could or should do to help yourself, then work out what the smallest step forward might be that truly feels doable, that truly doesn’t increase your anxiety and do that.

      So perhaps today you could just take 2 minutes to stretch, to touch your toes, to kneel down and put your forehead to the ground and do the childs pose knowing that you’re still stretching. Maybe stop three times today to become aware of your breathing and notice where you’re holding tension in your body. With your child, just increase the number of smiles you give them today.

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