Motivational speakers

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    • #5589
      Paula Gee

      I wasnt sure what to put as the topic sorry!
      anyways…..I’m finally in a space where I want to listen and learn more after three intense years of dealing with emotional baggage and changing parenting style to peaceful☺. I came across this New Zealand couple who seem like they are motivational speakers but actually I think they go deeper than that. So thought I would share in here as I am being so encouraged by what they say and

    • #5590
      Paula Gee

      Art pushed submit by accident!!
      I am being so encouraged and empowered by what they say.
      You can subscribe on YouTube to follow Late Maree O’Brien and her husband is Henare O’Brien.
      If you are in a place where you are dealing with some intense things, now may not be the time to listen to them xx
      Here is the link to one which will lead you to others ☺ let me know if the link doesn’t work.

    • #5591
      Paula Gee
    • #5796

      Paula, the Love my body video is very moving. So brave of her to share her story of overcoming anorexia and bulimia to the point of being brave enough to talk about and expose her own body and her journey with learning to come to peace with her body. This is a good video to show to my daughter and her friends who are 14. It’s believed that one third of teenage girls have eating disorders and just about every adult struggles with loving and feeling at peace with their bodies. To support our kids to have a healthy positive and shame free relationship with their bodies, we need to walk that path ourselves so we can model self-love authentically.

    • #5797

      I’ve also now just watched Kate’s video My Story above, and feel even more appreciation for her courage in following her dream of sharing her journey with others to help inspire them to overcome that which can feel too hard to face, too daunting to overcome. I can of course relate to her story of growing up with the terror and insecurity of violence and sexual abuse and all the inevitable havoc that attachment trauma creates. And pleased for Kate that she also started on her journey at a relatively young age, and admire her determination to keep choosing to stay on that path of doing the inner work, of facing the layers of pain and shame and anger and grief and whatever it takes to keep pushing through and growing.

      Thank you Paula for sharing.

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