• The trials of being a peaceful parent pioneer
    By Genevieve Simperingham  (first published in the Natural Parent Magazine)

    Do you sometimes feel challenged in your attempts to be a more peaceful parent in

    • This gets easier and then harder again in waves. Thanks… on to Part II now. x

      • Yes Natalie, this one is such a huge challenge for so many parents. I find it incredibly sad that so many of the parents I know are really doing the hard yards of changing how they relate and communicate to give their children a better start in life, yet instead of gaining the encouragement, acknowledgement and support to keep on keeping on, parenting differently so often triggers others and results in them being defensive and judgmental. It is a topic that has often come up over the years here in the Village, let me know if you’d like me to pull out a couple of those threads for you. One that comes to mind was Jo Bee who posted just after Christmas or maybe early January about challenges at the relative’s house over the holidays.

    • Louise it means the world to me that my article has helped you feel a bit more seen, heard, validated and supported in your parenting choices. You’re SO on the right track, good on you for following your gut and following your child’s cues and needs. Do you also get my peaceful parenting tips by email? Lots of people say that it just gives them little boosts or tips that can turn the day around and generally maintain that feeling of being connected in our peaceful parenting community. You can join through any page of the website here. Also I’ve got a private facebook group The Way of the Peaceful Parent Q&A group where lots of discussions happen amongst parents with similar values to yours. Keep the faith!! Your child will thank you endlessly!
