Step by Step ecourse Module 1 Welcome!

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    • #10158
      Meg Rodney

      Welcome, everyone! Some of you may have moved on to module 2, but I know others are still working through the first module. Whatever pace you are taking, we are glad you are here, joining us for this live round of the step by step ecourse. This ecourse is yours to explore and experience at your own pace. You may find certain things really speak to you, and I invite you to slow down and explore those areas. Some people find they want to read all the material at once and dive into certain aspects. While others drink it in more slowly. Some people enjoy the forums and putting their questions and real-life struggles there for input from the mentors. Others choose to have private PM conversations with the mentors. And still others choose to privately go through the information. All these are appropriate ways to navigate the course, and we encourage you to choose what works best for you. We are here to facilitate, mentor, and support you however you need.

      That said, I invite those who would like to discuss and brainstorm and share to do so. How are things going for you this week? Have you been able to explore the website and make your way through some of the module one materials? Personally, I *love* the videos of Genevieve presenting (which is saying a lot from a person like me who ordinarily does not like watching videos; I generally prefer reading). It really helps to see and hear what this empathy looks like.

      What parts of the material have helped or resonated with you?

      Any questions or reflections?

      How can we help?

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